Unofficial site of Snowdown Colliery Welfare Football Club

Current players
Fixtures and results
Match reports
Current sponsors and links
Photo album - coming soon
Some history (pre 1980)

Club Awards

Following the club's presentation night we are pleased to announce the following awards:
Player of the Year: David Stevenson
Young Player of the Year: Robbie Robson
Manager's player of the year: Gareth Glover (the manager!!!)
Top goalscorer: Jamie Down
Clubman of the year: Greg Plews
Congatulations to all players on a satisfactory year's football. Let's  press on from here and gain promotion next year!!!!!
The club now have 15 qualified FA coaches (see piture on home page). Aaron Smith, Tom Armstrong, Shari Ritson, Emma Brown, Darren Hough, Pat Sutcliffe, Ian Musgrove, Jonathon Townsend, Fraser Monger, Chris and Derek Hyndman, Robbie Robson, Ian Carteledge and James Turner all passed their level 1 Football Association badges. The courses were sponsored by Aylesham and Community District Workshop Trust. Some of the coaches will move on to their level 2 badges later this Year.